Centrifugal pump nameplate on the performance parameters shall be marked the highest point on the efficiency of the working condition parameters. 离心泵铭牌上标出的性能参数即为最高效率点上的工况参数。
The key point of the efficiency of intellectual resources management is how to make good use of invisible wisdom. 智力资源管理效能的关键是如何利用无形的智慧。
From the new point of efficiency, the author studies the impact of open economy on the country's financial system or even on the whole economy; 本文从效率这一新的角度出发,就开放经济条件对一国金融体系,乃至整体经济造成的影响进行了分析。
The ratio of variance and generalized variance are used as the influence measures to examine the influence of data rejecting on weighted regression model from the point of efficiency of estimate. 用方差比和广义方差比作为影响度量,从估计效率角度研究数据的剔除对加权回归模型的影响。
For the water system with three pumps in parallel, pump rating working point efficiency can be used instead of typical operating point efficiency in order to simplify calculation; 对于3台泵并联运行的水系统,可以用水泵额定工况点效率代替典型工况点效率,从而使计算大为简化;
Calculation for Operating Point Efficiency in Fan Selection 通风机选型中工况点效率的计算
Typical calculation results indicate that the tray efficiency in the presence of vapor entrainment depends on the factors of vapor entrainment, liquid Peclet number, striping factor and the point efficiency. 计算结果表明,降液管汽泡夹带的存在会使表观Murphree板效率降低,且点效率及解吸因数越大,降液管汽泡夹带对塔板效率的影响越显著。
The optimization of systems, from the point of energy efficiency view, is to find the minimum energy consumption in operation by means of solving the problem of function optimization. 而从节能的角度进行系统的优化,则是通过解决函数寻优问题,使运行能耗为最小。
"Should-be" refers to the ideal mode that perceives allocation of enterprise ownership from the point of efficiency, whereas "to-be" refers to the actual mode of allocation in reality. “实然”是指现实中企业实际存在的分配模式。文章主要运用新兴古典经济学的思想来分析企业所有权的“应然”模式(即效率模式)。
Study on the point efficiency of the sieve plate in distillation 筛板精馏塔点效率的研究
The experimental results show that the point matching algorithm for sophisticated multi-target intersection with TV theodolite has the advantages of high efficiency, stability and applicability. Its point matching efficiency for sophisticated multi-target reaches more than 90%. 实测结果证明:该电视经纬仪复杂多目标交会测量点匹配算法具有高效、稳定、适用等优点,其复杂多目标点匹配效率保持在90%以上。
Chapter one introduces the concept, characteristic and basic bargaining structure of ABS, analyses its economic significance from the point of financing efficiency, and finally points out the practical significance of applying ABS to our banking industry. 第一章介绍了资产证券化的概念、特征、基本交易结构等内容,并从融资效率角度,分析了资产证券化的经济学意义,最后指出了我国银行业实施资产证券化的现实意义。
For the mass transfer efficiency, the point efficiency of each component is unequal in the multicomponent system. Some of the efficiency may be less than zero or more than one, even infinite. 多组分传质过程各组分的点效率不相等,某些组分的点效率可能小于零、大于1或趋于无穷大。
This article presents the correlation of variation of point efficiency with composition, obtained from a small experimental column. 本文提出由小型试验塔得到的点效率随组成变化的关系。
In the design point the efficiency of C4 impeller is 1% higher than that of constant thickness impeller. 在设计工况下,C4叶轮的效率较原始等厚叶轮高1%。
Nowadays the intermediate business of commercial banks has been rapidly and highly developed worldwide and become the new point of efficiency growth. 世界各国商业银行的中间业务近年来迅猛发展,并已成为商业银行新的效益增长点。
The results show that there exists an optimum value for gas cycle pressure ratio in co-cycle with dual steam source. At this point, the efficiency of co-cycle has the highest value. 计算表明:双汽源联合循环中的燃气循环压比存在最佳值,此时联合循环效率最高;心排血量(CO);
Relation between the position of initiation point and the efficiency of explosive 炸药效率与起爆点位置间的关系
The rated head efficiency peak operation point N [ η( max)] is taken as the reference point for peak efficiency movement, it reflects the high energy performance and a good stability of a runner, the point is selectable. 额定水头的效率峰值对应的工况点N[η(max)]具有可选定性,是效率峰值移动的基准点,它反映了转轮具有较高能量指标和较好的稳定性的共同要求。
Evaluation was conducted at the basic point of efficiency of observational system, and expressed by probability of intercepting and capturing target by sonar equipment of submarine, which provided scientific foundation for organizing and commanding of missile attack about submarine. 具体指示效能评估在观察系统效能评估的层面上进行,用水声设备截获被打击目标的概率来表示,为保障潜艇导弹攻击目标指示组织指挥提供了科学的依据。
Research on mass transfer point efficiency of New VST 新型垂直筛板的传质点效率研究
High Efficiency and Low Background HPGe γ-spectrometer and Calibration of Point Source Efficiency 高效率低本底HPGeγ谱仪和点源刻度
The effect on operating point and energy efficiency of speed-shifting pump is discussed by the location of differential pressure control point, variety of water flow in offsets and its distribution with an example. 结合工程算例,讨论了变流量水系统中压差控制点的位置、各支路流量变化率的大小及其不同分布对调速水泵工作点及节能效果的影响。
Besides the production optimization and the product sales, purchase has become a key point of tapping efficiency and creating profit. 采购已逐渐成为企业在生产优化、产品销售以外,挖掘效益、创造利润的又一关键点和利润源。
The dielectric loss, boiling point and the efficiency of protonation were combined action on the reaction results. 溶剂的介电损耗值、沸点及质子化效率等共同作用对实验结果产生影响。
Firstly, Point out the efficiency existent value lies in making resources allocation superior to turn, safe existent value then to the maintenance of existing benefits. 指出效率存在的价值在于使资源配置最优化,安全存在的价值则是对现存利益的维护。
The hot summer and warm winter region has predominant natural conditions, the temperature and air flow condition in this region is better than most other regions in China. How to exert these advantages is the key point of energy efficiency in residential buildings. 夏热冬暖地区有较为优越的自然条件,气温、气流等方面较我国其它多数地区好,如何发挥这些优势是建筑设计节能工作的关键。
From the point of improving efficiency of cryptographic schemes, the study on hierarchical identity-based cryptosystem is significant. 从提高密码方案的效率方面考虑,研究分层的基于身份的密码体制有重要意义。
By studying the cities industrial layout in Hebei province and investigating the situation of industrial water consumption, this paper point out the efficiency criterion of industrial water consumption. 本论文以河北省的工业用水为研究对象,对河北省各市的工业布局进行分析研究,调查工业用水现状,研究提出建立用水效率控制红线指标。
According to the results some measures of improving peak power ability of PMSM are proposed. A selection method of no-load back EMF in motor design process is put forward by analyzing the v-shaped curve from the point of efficiency optimization. 通过分析永磁同步电机的似V形曲线,从效率优化的角度提出了电机设计时空载反电势的选取方法。